Front Matter
LETTER TO LUCY COVER Illustrated by EJG2. Incorporates the following elements:
- "Nascita di Venere" by Sandro Botticelli
- Againts Typeface by Ramandhani Nugraha
Praise for Frank Schaeffers Other Books
COVER COLLAGE Illustrated by EJG2. All images courtesy of the author
About the Creators
- "Creation of Adam" by Michelangelo, Public Domain
- "The Sacrifice of Vestal" by Alessandro Marchesini, Public Domain
Bibliography & Credits
- "William Caxton showing specimens of his printing to King Edward IV and his Queen. Published in The Graphic in 1877 refering to The Caxton Celebration. The Caxton Celebration, commemorating the 400th anniversary of the first printed book in England, took place in London in the summer of 1877" , Public Domain
Chapter 1
Hellbound? The Movie and the Nation
Chapter Art
- "The Vision of Hell (Inferno)" by Gustave Doré, Public Domain
Section 1.1 - How May I Atone?
- "Frank the Evangelist", courtesy of the author
Section 1.2 - Do You Believe in Hell?
- "The Inferno according to Dante; in the centre Lucifer who holds damned souls and in his talons seven kings, surrounded by damned souls being tortured by devils, after a fresco in the Campo Santo, Pisa", Formerly thought to be after Andrea di Cione (Orcagna) (Italian, Florence 1315/20–1368 Florence), Public Domain
- "Très Riches Heures du duc de Berry" by Limbourg brothers, Public Domain
- "The Temptation of Saint Anthony" by Workshop of Herri met de Bles, Public Domain
- Galli, Mark. "Movie Purgatory—‘Hellbound?" Christianity Today, September 19, 2012
- Film Still from Hellbound?, courtesy of the author
Section 1.3 - The Last Crusade
- Cover of Pollution and the Death of Man by Francis Schaeffer, courtesy of the author
- Excerpts from Pollution and the Death of Man by Francis Schaeffer. Illustrated by EJG2
- Excerpt from “Why Hillary Clinton Bombed with White Evangelical Voters,” by Ruth Graham. Slate. December 15, 2016. Illustrated by EJG2
Section 1.4 - More Human Than Human
- “Publicity photo of Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner", Public Domain
- “Blade Runner Spinner Flyby”, © Warner Bros, image used in the spirit of Fair Use and Critical Commentary
- “Matrix Code” by Comfreak, Public Domain
Section 1.5 - My God, It’s Full of Stars
- MY GOD IT'S FULL OF STARS created by EJG2. Incorporates the following elements:
- “NGC 7293 VISTA.jpg” by ESO is licensed under CC BY 4.0
- “Ripped Paper” by TeroVesalainen. Public Domain.
Section 1.6 - On Inauguration Day
- Excerpt of “Religious law may be coming to America. But it’s not sharia; it’s Christian.” by Catherine Rampell. Washington Post, February 2, 2017. Illustrated by EJG2.
- "On the Day the World Ended God Inexplicably Only Raptured All the Pinocchio Dolls to Heaven along with Many Pink Cyclamens but Left Behind All the Christians." by Frank Schaeffer, courtesy of the Author.
- "When the Manna Ran out God Inexplicably Began Dropping Cyclamens, Old Teddy Bears and Champagne on the People of Israel and Unintentionally Killed Moses with a Good Bottle of California Chandon." by Frank Schaeffer, courtesy of the Author
- "On Inauguration Day 2017 God Tried to Punish Donald Trump by Showering Him with French Carbon Steel Knives, Pinocchio Dolls, Assorted Rubber Ducks and Pink Cyclamens but Inexplicably in a Fit of Gross Divine Incompetence Missed Trump by Miles and Crippled an American Evangelical Tourist Visiting the Wailing Wall in Israel as She Posed for a Picture." by Frank Schaeffer, courtesy of the Author
- "The Holy Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—Reveal Themselves to be Three Old Teddy Bears and Bring a Rubber Stamp with Them to Replace the Bible about Which They Now Have Doubts. They Also Bring Champagne, Rubber Ducks, and a Shower of Cyclamens." by Frank Schaeffer with Lucy Schaeffer and Jack Schaeffer, courtesy of the author
- "The Garden of Earthly Delights, Left Panel", by Hieronymus Bosch. Public Domain
- "The Garden of Earthly Delights, Center Panel", by Hieronymus Bosch. Public Domain
- "The Garden of Earthly Delights, Right Panel", by Hieronymus Bosch. Public Domain
- DIGITAL COURIER created by EJG2. Incorporates the following elements:
- “Oberon, Titania and Puck with Fairies Dancing” by William Blake. Public Domain
Section 1.7 - Troubled Times
- TROUBLED TIMES AT 1600 created by EJG2. Incorporates the following elements:
- “Troubled Times” Promotional Lyric Video, © 2016 Green Day
- WE MARCH created by EJG2. Incorporates the following elements:
- Againts Typeface by Ramandhani Nugraha
- Chalkboard Black by Foolish Fire
- "Hands Up Don’t Shoot" by Tim Pierce is licensed under CC BY 2.0 Image cropped and elements isolated by EJG2.
- "Lesbian Strength March" by AlisonW is licensed under CC BY 3.0 Image cropped and elements isolated by EJG2.
- "Votes for Women Tonight" by Oregon State University is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 Image cropped and elements isolated by EJG2.
- "We March with Selma" by New York-World Telegram and Sun. Copyright Free. “Troubled Times” Lyrics ©2016 Green Day
Section 1.8 - Viva Vivaldi
- Good Morning to You created by EJG2.
- Ospedale della Pietà Public Domain.
- Rousseau Quote created by EJG2.
- Venezianisches Galakonzert by Francesco Guardi, Public Domain.
- Rousseau Page Created by EJG2.
- “Parlatorio delle Monache” Public Domain.
- “Dr. Alberto Gentili” Used with generous permission of Mr. Massimo Gentili-Tedeschi.
- VIVA VIVALDI created by EJG2. Incorporates the following elements:
- “Old Paper” by Shadowhouse Creations
- “Tito Manlio”, Public Domain
- “Antonio Vivaldi Signature”, Public Domain
- “Vivaldi by Caldwell”, Public Domain
- “Cover of a Program for a Concert of A. Vivaldi’s Music” by Leo Zaff is licensed under CC BY 3.0
- “Motezuma”, Public Domain
- “Vivaldi Sculpture”, Public Domain
- “Concerto for 2 Violins in A Minor, RV 522” by Advent Chamber Orchestra is licensed under CC BY 3.0
- “Concerto in C major Op.8 No.12”, Public Domain
Chapter 2
World-Ending Grief
Chapter Art
- "[Postmortem]" by Alphonse Le Blondel, Public Domain
Section 2.1 - The White Male Bully
- Bacevich, Andrew. "Don't Cry for Me, America—What Trumpism Means for Democracy." Salon, March 2, 2016. Illustrated by EJG2
- Stead Sellers, Frances, and David A. Fahrenthold. "‘Why even let ’em in?’ Understanding Bannon’s worldview and the policies that follow." The Washington Post, January 31, 2017., Illustrated by EJG2
- "Portrait of Thomas Cromwell, wearing the Garter collar" after Hans Holbein the Younger, Public Domain
- Wolff, Michael. "Ringside With Steve Bannon at Trump Tower as the President-Elect's Strategist Plots "An Entirely New Political Movement" (Exclusive)." The Hollywood Reporter, November 18, 2016.
- Lawson, John. Mediaeval Education and the Reformation. London: Routledge, 2007
Section 2.2 - Rebirth
- "The Phoenix" by Friedrich Justin Bertuch from Bilderbuch für Kinder, Public Domain
Section 2.3 - But... Is The Art Present?
"Golden Mask by Marina Abramović" by See-ming Lee is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
Greenwood, Elizabeth. "Wait, Why Did That Woman Sit in the MoMA for 750 Hours?" The Atlantic, July 2, 2012., Illustrated by EJG2
"Performance artist Marina Abramovic at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, April 2010." by Thousandrobots is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
Section 2.4 - The Religion Section
Mishra, Pankaj. "Welcome to the age of anger." The Guardian, December 8, 2016., Illustrated by EJG2
"The Religion Section", Illustrated by EJG2
"Christ the Saviour explosion", Public Domain
"Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow.", Public Domain
"Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, Moscow, 2011" by Alvegaspar is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
Kelaidis, Katherine. "HOW ORTHODOX CHRISTIANITY BECAME THE SPIRITUAL HOME OF WHITE NATIONALISM." Religion Dispatches, November 30, 2016., Illustrated by EJG2
Section 2.5 - Manifest Doom
"American Progress" by John Gast, Public Domain
"Voltaire Quote" from Torrey, Norman L. Les Philosophes: The Philosophers of the Enlightenment and Modern Democracy. New York: Perigee Books, 1980, Illustrated by EJG2
"Follow Your Dreams" by Banksy, photo by Peter K. Levy, Public Domain
Section 2.6 - Why I’m an Atheist... Who Believes In God
"Beauty Just Is", Illustrated by EJG2, photo by Steve Turner
"Adam and Eve" by Albrecht Dürer, Public Domain
Chapter 3
Opening Doors to Meaning, Purpose, and Beauty
Chapter Art
- "Alice", Public Domain
Section 3.1 - Dinknesh
"A. afarensis", Public Domain
"Abbey Road Sign", Public Domain
"Illustration in the initial printing of Beaumarchais' The Marriage of Figaro (play)" by is licensed under CC SA 1.0, edited by EJG2
"An original poster for Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's opera, The Marriage of Figaro", Public Domain
"Contessa, perdono" from Mozart's 1786 opera The Marriage of Figaro, Public Domain
Section 3.2 - All Ye Need To Know
"L'Amerique : divisèe en ses principaux etats, assujetie aux observations astronomiqes.", Public Domain
"Scène de l'Opera, La tarentelle (Étoile de Messine)", Public Domain
Brooks, David. "When Beauty Strikes." The New York Times, January 15, 2016., Illustrated by EJG2
"A. afarensis", Public Domain
Section 3.3 - Caregiving
'Building Blocks" courtesy of the author
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION Illustrated by EJG2. Contains the following elements:
- Movie posters courtesy of the author
- "Theatre Marquee", Public Domain
- Brick texture, Public Domain
- "Luke the Evangelist painting Vladimirskaya icon of Our Lady", Public Domain
- LUCY AND BA ICON SERIES, courtesy of the author
- "Chanel No.5 eau de parfum", Public Domain
Section 3.4 - A Minced Oath
- "Ben and Jack's bench", courtesy of the author
- "Portrait of Mary Lou Williams" by William P. Gottlieb, Public Domain
- " Jack Teagarden, Dixie Bailey, Mary Lou Williams, Tadd Dameron, Hank Jones, Dizzy Gillespie, Milt Orent. In Mary Lou Williams' apartment, NYC, ca. August 1947" by William P. Gottlieb, Public Domain
- "Jazz musician Miles Davis" by Tom Palumbo is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
- "Photo of Duke Ellington", Public Domain
- "Charles Mingus - Bi Centenial, Lower Manhattan July 4, 1976" by Tom Marcello is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
- "John Coltrane" by Gelderen, Hugo van / Anefo is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 NL
- "Portrait of Mary Lou Williams" by William P. Gottlieb, Public Domain
- "Photo of Nat King Cole in 1952", Public Domain
- "Ella Fitzgerald, 1940" by Carl van Vechten, Public Domain
- "Thelonious Monk, Minton's Playhouse, New York, N.Y., ca. Sept. 1947" by William P. Gottlieb, Public Domain
- "Portret van de Amerikaanse zangeres Nina Simone die met kerst op televisie zal verschijnen" by Kroon, Ron / Anefo is licensed under CC BY 4.0
- "Louis Armstrong", Public Domain
- "The Staple Singers on Soul Train with Don Cornelius", Public Domain
Section 3.5 - Wonder
- "I Love You Ba" by Lucy Schaeffer, courtesy of the artist
- "HeLa-IV", Public Domain
Section 3.6 - Hidden Art
- "Ben + Grandpa", courtesy of the author
- Hurley, Dan. "Grandma's Experiences Leave a Mark on Your Genes." Discover, May 2013., Illustrated by EJG2
- "Pop's Hammer", courtesy of the author
- "Home for Dinner" book cover, Fair Use
- Cohen, Roger. "California Dreaming." The New York Times, August 20, 2015., Illustrated by EJG2
- "Boxer of the Quirinal", by Carole Raddato is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
- "Boxer of the Quirinal", by Carole Raddato is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
Chapter 4
Whatever Happened to the Human Race?
Chapter Art
- "Ivy Mike", Public Domain
Section 4.1 - Breaking Bad
- "Breaking Bad Grafitti", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "Walter and Skyler from 'Gliding Over All'", © High Bridge Productions, Fair Use
- Moira Walley-Beckett, Gliding Over All, directed by Michelle MacLaren (September 2, 2012), Television, Illustrated by EJG2
- "President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the 1964 Civil Rights Act as Martin Luther King, Jr., and others, look on", Public Domain
- "Francis and Edith Schaeffer", courtesy of the author
- "Francis and Edith Schaeffer", courtesy of the author
Section 4.2 - Mei Fuh
- "Gryon the Grand Viaduct, Vaud Canton of Switzerland", Public Domain
- "Cover of My Man Jeeves by P. G. Wodehouse", Public Domain
- "Jerome K. Jerome", Public Domain
- "Coloured version of E.H. Shepard's illustration of Mr. Toad in his driving togs", Fair Use
- "Alice in Wonderland, John Tenniel, 1865", Public Domain
- "Cover of the first edition, The Tale of Peter Rabbit", Public Domain
- "Cover of Mei Fuh", courtesy of the author
- "My Mother, Mei Fuh", courtesy of the author
- "Portrait of Frank Schaeffer", courtesy of the author
- "Frank with Peggy Rockefeller", courtesy of the author, illustrated by EJG2
Section 4.3 - Religious Make-Believe
- "Billy Zeoli speaking from the podium at the National Religious Broadcasters Annual Congressional Breakfast, January 28, 1975. Washington Hilton Hotel", Public Domain
- "How should we then live?" promo, courtesy of the author
- "Francis Schaeffer in Italy", courtesy of the author
Section 4.4 - THEM
- "Creation of Adam", Public Domain
- "Michelangelo's David, 1501-1504, Galleria dell'Accademia (Florence)" by Jörg Bittner Unna is licensed under CC BY 3.0
- "Italian Renaissance Medal", Public Domain
- "C. Everett Koop", Public Domain
- "President George W. Bush addresses the nation from the Oval Office at the White House Wednesday evening, March 19, 2003, announcing the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom", Public Domain
Section 4.5 - Outed
- "Portofino" book cover, courtesy of the author
- "Saving Grandma" book cover, courtesy of the author
- "Zermatt" book cover, courtesy of the author
- Vitello, Paul. "Edith Schaeffer, Definer of Christian Family Values, Dies at 98." The New York Times, April 6, 2013., Illustrated by EJG2
- "Francis and Edith Schaeffer", courtesy of the author
Section 4.6 - Backsliding
- Oppenheimer, Mark. "Son of Evangelical Royalty Turns His Back, and Tells the Tale." The New York Times, August 19, 2011., Illustrated by EJG2
Section 4.7 - Going Home
- "Chinese world map, drawn by the Jesuits (early 17th century)", Public Domain
- Edith's Family Album, courtesy of the author
Chapter 5
A Non-Philosophy of Life That Works by—
Not Working
Chapter Art
- "Vue sur le monastère de Simonos Petras (Mont Athos)" by Aroche is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
Section 5.1 - Simonos Petra
- Sections from “Græcia”, Public Domain
- "Mt. Athos Monasteries" by Michael Clarke Stuff is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
- "Theotokos Fyodorovskaya", Public Domain
- MY JOURNAL illustrated by EJG2
- "Hazelnuts", Public Domain
- "The Last Communion of Saint Mary of Egypt" by Marcantonio Franceschini, Public Domain
- ST. CYRIL QUOTE illustrated by EJG2
- YANKLOWITZ, RABBI DR. SHMULY. "To Be Fully Religious, One Must (Partially) Embrace Atheism!" Jewish Journal, February 16, 2015., Illustrated by EJG2
- "Poster advertising Cushman's appearance as Hamlet in February, 1861", Public Domain
- "The Gorgeous 18-Year-Old San Franciscan Hippie Princess Genie", courtesy of the author
Chapter 6
Chapter Art
- "Wallpaper of Stars Shoot Jets in Cosmic Playground", Public Domain
Section 6.1 - The Dawn of Creativity
- "Portrait of Mary Lou Williams" by William P. Gottlieb, Public Domain
- Sullivan, Mark. "A forgotten story: Jazz finds religion in Pittsburgh." Black Catholic Spotlight, n.d., Illustrated by EJG2
- "Photo of Benny Goodman" by James Kreigsmann, Public Domain
- "Duke Ellington at the Hurricane Club. New York, N.Y., May 1943" by Gordon Parks, Public Domain
- "Thelonious Monk, Minton's Playhouse, New York, N.Y., ca. September 1947" by William P. Gottlieb, Public Domain
- "Miles Davis Septet Sigma 7" by JPRoche is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
- "Portrait of Charlie Parker in the Three Deuces of New York (N.Y.), in August 1947"by William P. Gottlieb, Public Domain
- "The Prayerful One." Time. February 21, 1964, Illustrated by EJG2
- "Kyrie Eleison" Excerpt from Mary Lou's Mass, Fair Use
- "Dizzy Gillespie, Tadd Dameron, Hank Jones, Mary Lou Williams and Milt Orent in Williams’ apartment, ca. August 1947" by William P. Gottlieb, Public Domain
- “Diminuendo and Crescendo in Blue” Duke Ellington [Excerpt], Fair Use
Section 6.2 - Semper Fidelis
- "Marine statue at Parris Island, S.C." by Alfred T. Palmer, 1942, Public Domain
- "Genie and John" courtesy of the author
- "The Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Eden" by Masaccio, Public Domain
- "Odysseus Questions the Seer Tiresias" by Alessandro Allori, Public Domain
- "La Primavera (Spring)" by Sandro Botticelli, Public Domain
- "Pallas and the Centaur" by Sandro Botticelli, Public Domain
- "Nascita di Venere (The Birth of Venus)" by Sandro Botticelli, Public Domain
- “Epigramma XXIII,” depicting the birth of Athena from the head of Zeus Atalanta fugiens, hoc est emblemata nova de secretis naturae chymica. Michael Maier (1618) Courtesy Wellcome Library, London. Original remixed by EJG2
Section 6.3 - Two Normal Guys
- "The Tribute Money" by Masaccio (1425), Public Domain
- Edith's Family Album, courtesy of the author
Chapter 7
Greenblatt’s The Swerve:
How the World Became Modern
Chapter Art
- Opening of De Rerum Natura (On the Nature of Things), copy by Girolamo di Matteo de Tauris for Pope Sixtus IV (1483), Public Domain
Section 7.1 - Epicurean Delights
- "Lucretius Quote" Illustrated by EJG2, incorporates elements courtesy of
- "De Rerum Natura (On the Nature of Things) Copper Plate, Engraved by Guernier (1743)", Public Domain
- DE RERUM NATURA Illustrated by EJG2, Public Domain
- Lucretius Page Illustrated by EJG2, Public Domain
- "Portrait of Fra Angelico", Remixed by EJG2
- "The Adoration of the Magi" by Fra Angelico and Fra Filippo Lippi (ca. 1440-1460), Public Domain
- "Savonarola Preaching in Florence" Nikolay Lomtev (ca. 1850)", Public Domain
- VASARI PAGE Illustrated by EJG2
- CANTORIE PSALM Illustrated by EJG2
- "The Cantorie by Luca della Robbia (1431-1438) Museo dell’ Opera del Duomo Florence, Italy" by Glenfarclas is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
- "Detail from The Cantorie by Luca della Robbia (1431-1438) Museo dell’ Opera del Duomo Florence, Italy" by Ricardo André Frantz is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
Section 7.2 - Brunelleschi’s Egg
- System of the dome, Florence Cathedral, Figure 7 from Character of Re"naissance Architecture Charles Herbert Moore (1905)", Public Domain
- VASARI QUOTE Illustrated by EJG2
- "Florence at night seen from the Piazzale Michelangelo" by Jörg Bittner is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
- "'Firenze' Steel plate engraving by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, S.D.U.K. (1835)", Publiuc Domain
Section 7.3 - Pancakes and Pianists
- "Pancakes", Public Domain
Section 7.4 - My Wolf Pack
- "Johannes Brahms (ca. 1853)", Public Domain
- "Winter Scene", Public Domain
- "Hélène Grimaud" (Photo: © Mat Hennek / DG)
- "Hélène Grimaud Johannes Brahams: The Piano Concertos" Promotional Video © 2013 Deutsche Grammophon
Section 7.5 - Mozart Cures the Flu
- GRIMAUD QUOTE Illustrated by EJG2
- "French pianist Hélène Grimaud during rehearsal on a Steinway concert grand piano at the La Roque-d'Anthéron International piano festival" by Lefalher is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
Chapter 8
“It’s Like a Treasure Box”
Chapter Art
- "Pandora's Box", Artist Unknown, Public Domain
Section 8.1 - The Artist’s Eye
- "Inside of an amethyst geode", Public Domain
Section 8.2 - No Boss Day
- “Future School, from France En L’An 2000, Series created by Jean-Marc Cote between 1901 and 1910", Public Domain
- "Illustration from The Nutcracker and the Mouse King" by Vladimir Makovsky (1882), Public Domain
- NO BOSS Illustration by EJG2
- AMANDA QUOTE Illustration by EJG2
- "Hands at the Cuevas de las Manos upon Río Pinturas near the town of Perito Moreno in Santa Cruz Province, Argentina" by Mariano is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
- "Monterey" © 2013, Michael Fried
- "Evening in Budapest" by Ivanhoe is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
Section 8.3 - (Untitled)
- A Painting by Congo (1956-1958) Congo, a chimpanzee (1954-1964), Public Domain
- "Ax-head decorated with an interlace of dragons, Northern China, Eastern Zhou period (Between 6th and 5th century BC)" by is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 FR
Section 8.4 - The Definition of Art
- "Beaded bracelet from Baki's burial", Public Domain
- "Crucifix" by Giotto (ca. 1290-1300), Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "Empty Lot" by Alexander Baxevanis is licensed under CC BY 2.0
- "Fountain" by Marcel Duchamp, 1917, Public Domain
- Hunt, Ell. "Pair of glasses left on US gallery floor mistaken for art." The Guardian, May 27, 2016., Illustrated by EJG2
- TV ROOM Illustrated by EJG2. Contains the following elements:
- "TV ROOM" by Jens Kreuter, Remixed by EJG2
- Breaking Bad clip, Fair Use
- Sopranos clip, Fair Use
- Mad Men clip, Fair Use
- "A group at Garsington Manor, country home of Lady Ottoline Morrell, near Oxford. Left to right: Lady Ottoline Morrell, Mrs. Aldous Huxley, Lytton Strachey, Duncan Grant, and Vanessa Bell", Unknown photographer, Public Domain
- "The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit" by John Singer Sargent (1882), Public Domain
- "Lucy with her friends the Boit daughters", courtesy of the author
Section 8.5 - The Gates of Paradise
- "Relief from The Gates of Paradise by Lorenzo Ghiberti" by Sailko is licensed under CC BY 3.0
- "Self Portrait of Lorenzo Ghiberti on The Gates of Paradise" by Richardfabi is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
- "The Gates of Paradise, Relief depicting the story of Joshua" by Sailko is licensed under CC BY 3.0
- "Battistero di San Giovanni" by Wknight94 is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
Chapter 9
Irving Penn and the Female Body
Chapter Art
- "doce modelos mas fotografiadas 1947 irving penn" courtesy Mercedes Blanco is licensed under CC BY 2.0
Section 9.1 - Venus
- "Venus of Willendorf" by MatthiasKabel is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
- Hambourg, Maria M. "Irving Penn’s Modern Venus." ARTNEWS, February 1, 2002., Illustrated by EJG2
- "Nude #151" Irving Penn (1972), Yale University Art Gallery, No Permission Required
- "Phrenology Head from The Household Physician (1905)", courtesy William Creswell is licensed under CC BY 2.0
- U UP Illustrated by EJG2
- "John Cleese / Fawlty Towers Graffito, Alfama District - Lisbon, Portugal" by Adam Jones is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0, Adjusted and Edited by EJG2
Section 9.2 - Night and Day
- "Francis Bacon by Irving Penn (1962)" courtesy cea+ is licensed under CC BY 2.0
- IRVING PENN QUOTE Illustrated by EJG2
- "Tomb of Lorenzo, Duke of Urbino with the statues Dawn and Dusk, by Michelangelo" by Rabe! is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
- "Tomb of Giuliano, Duke of Nemours with the statues Day and Night, by Michelangelo" by Rabe! is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
- Stark, James J., and Jonathan K. Nelson. "The Breasts of “Night”: Michelangelo as Oncologist." New England Journal of Medicine 343, no. 21 (2000), 1577-1578. doi:10.1056/nejm200011233432118, Illustrated by EJG2
- "Illustration of Camera Obscura from Sketchbook on military art, including geometry, fortifications, artillery, mechanics, and pyrotechnics" Artist Unknown (17th Century), Public Domain
- "Nascita di Venere (The Birth of Venus)" by Sandro Botticelli, Public Domain
- "La Primavera (Spring)" by Sandro Botticelli, Public Domain
- "La Gioconda (Mona Lisa)" by Leonardo da Vinci, Public Domain
- "Slaughtered Ox" by Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, Public Domain
- "The Cloisters Museum in Fort Tryon Park, Manhattan, New York City, seen from the northeast" by Beyond My Ken is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
- "Annunciation Triptych (Merode Altarpiece)" by Robert Campin is licensed CC0 1.0
- "Male Nude" by Steve Hawley, courtesy of the artist
- AMANDA MARGIN NOTE Illustrated by EJG2
- "Portrait of Regina in Black Kimono" by Steve Hawley, courtesy of the artist
- AMANDA EMAIL Illustrated by EJG2
- "Front Page of Bassus Generalis Claudio Monteverdi (1610), Remixed by EJG2
- "Omnia Vincit Amor" by Benjamin West, Public Domain
- "An Allegory of Poetry" by François Boucher, Public Domain
Chapter 10
Michelangelo Would Have Understood And Been Delighted With “Transparent”
Chapter Art
- "Miguel Ángel" by Daniele da Volterra, Public Domain {{PD-US}}
Section 10.1 - Nue!
- "The Triumph of Death" by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Public Domain {{PD-1923}}
- "Bruegel: The Complete Paintings" © Taschen, 2004
- "Netherlandish Proverbs" Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Public Domain, {{PD-US}}
- "La maja vestida (The Clothed Maja)" by Francisco de Goya, Public Domain {{PD-US}}
- "La maja desnuda (The Naked Maja)" by Francisco de Goya, Public Domain {{PD-US}}
Section 10.2 - Less Pop, More Culture.
- "Groucho Marx as Koko the Lord High Executioner in a performance of The Mikado from the television program The Bell Telephone Hour (1960)", Public Domain {{PD-1923}}
- "The Mikado - Side One, from The Bell Telephone Hour" by Gilbert & Sullivan is licensed under CC BY 3.0
- "The Mikado - Side Two, from The Bell Telephone Hour" by Gilbert & Sullivan is licensed under CC BY 3.0
- "Iraqi Col. Ali Sabah, commander of the Basra Emergency Battalion, displays ancient artifacts Iraqi Security Forces discovered Dec. 16, 2008, during two raids in northern Basra.", Public Domain
- "View of damage to the Ponte Vecchio from the east. The Germans destroyed all of the bridges over the River Arno with exception of the Ponte Vecchio before evacuating Florence on August 11, 1944. The Ponte Vecchio was blocked by demolishing the houses on both ends and mining the bridge." by Tanner (Capt), War Office official photographer, Public Domain
- "Moses" Engraved by Tomás Carlos Capuz (date unknown), Public Domain {{Not-PD-US-URAA}}
Section 10.3 - All Roads Lead to Rome
- "Cornice and column from the Temple of Fortuna Virilis (Tempio della Fortuna Virile), from Le Antichità Romane Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1756)", Public Domain
- "The Colosseum" by Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Public Domain
- "David by Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi, aka Donatello" by Patrick A. Rodgers is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
Section 10.4 - The Renaissance
- "The Ideal City" Painter of Central Italy, Formerly attributed to Piero della Francesca, Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- LEONARDO DA VINCI Illustrated by EJG2. Contains the following elements:
- "Paper Texture", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "Drawing of a flying machine", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "Da Vinci mirror writing", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "Leonardo da Vinci - presumed self-portrait", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "Portrait of Leonardo" by Francesco Melzi, Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "Firma de Leonardo Da Vinci", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "Leonardo Da Vinci Helicopter", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "Last Judgment Detail: Minos at the entrance of Hell" by Michelangelo, Public Domain
- "The Fall of Phaeton" Drawn and given as a gift by Michelangelo to Tommaso dei Cavalieri, Public Domain
- "Vitruvian Man" by Leonardo da Vinci, Public Domain
- "Portrait of Cosimo de' Medici the Elder" by Pontormo, Public Domain
- "The Ambassadors" by Hans Holbein the Younger, Public Domain
- "Marble statue of a helmed hoplite, maybe Leonidas," by Ticinese is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
- "Study of a relief decorated with a Hermaphrodite; in the Palazzo Colonna. From a volume of 119 drawings illustrating Roman sculpture, in black chalk" by Antonio Maria Zanetti, Public Domain
- "I Love Dick" Book Cover © 1997 Chris Kraus
- "I Love Dick" Promo © 2017 Amazon Studios
- Levy, Ariel. "Dolls and Feelings." The New Yorker, December 14, 2015, Illustrated by EJG2
- A BRIEF HISTORY OF THOUGHT Excerpt Illustrated by EJG2
- VOLTAIRE Illustrated by EJG2. Contains the following elements:
- "Voltaire Portrait", Public Domain
- "Portrait of Voltaire by Thomas Casimir Regnault after de la Tour and improvised on steel in June 1863" by Faman is licensed under CC BY-SA 1.0
- "Book Texture", Public Domain
Section 10.5 - Inventing The Human
- "Detail of fresco in Ospedale degli Innocenti" by Bernardino Poccetti, Public Domain
- "Particolare dell'Ospedale degli Innocenti, realizzato da Brunelleschi" by Giacomo Augusto is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
- A MIDSOMMER NIGHTS DREAME Illustrated by EJG2. Contains the following elements:
- "Title page of A Midsummer Night's Dream in the Second Folio", courtesy of Folger Shakespeare Library Digital Collection is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0, Remixed by EJG2
- "Hermia and Lysander. A Midsummer Night's Dream." by John Simmons, Public Domain
- "Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, Act I, Scene IV" by Henry Fuseli (1796, after a 1789 painting by Kaufmann), Public Domain
Section 10.6 - Fathers and Sons
- CANTI CARNASCIALESCHI Illustrated by EJG2. Contains the following elements:
- "Tutti i trionfi, carri, mascherate o canti carnascialeschi andati per Firenze dal tempo del Magnifico Lorenzo de' Medici fino all' anno 1559 : in questa seconda edizione corretti, con diversi MSS. collazionati, delle loro varie lezioni arricchiti, notabilmente accresciuti, e co' ritratti di ciascun poeta adornate", No Known Copyright, Remixed by EJG2
- Book Texture, Public Domain
- "Hanging of Bernardo Baroncelli" by Leonardo da Vinci, Public Domain
- "Portrait of Lorenzo the Magnificent" by Agnolo di Cosimo, known as Agnolo Bronzino; the workshop (15th century), Public Domain
- "Father and Son on the set of 'Whatever Happened to the Human Race?', 1975", Courtesy of the author
Chapter 11
Green Day, 21st Century Breakdown, and 1204 Sack of Constantinople
Chapter Art
- "The Entry of the Crusaders into Constantinople", Eugene Delacroix, Public Domain
Section 11.1 - I Love Lucy
- BANG! Illustrated by EJG2. Contains the following elements:
- "Seagull", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "Bang" Illustrated by EJG2
Section 11.2 - Deësis Christ
- "Painted Copy of Deësis Mosaic", Public Domain
- "Deësis Christ Mosaic" by Myrabella, Public Domain
- "Peacock Mosaic, St. Lazarus Byzantine Church in Nahariya" by David Mosery is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
Section 11.3 - Ode To Billie Joe
- "Green Day performing at the release party for their album 21st Century Breakdown, May 7, 2009" by Gillyberlin is licensed under CC BY 2.0
- “21 Guns” Green Day [Excerpt], Fair Use
- JOURNAL Illustrated by EJG2
Section 11.4 - The Continuing Fall of The Byzantine Empire
- "The Carolingian and Byzantine Empires and the Califate about 814 Historical Atlas, (1911)" by William R. Shepherd, Public Domain
- "San Vitale (1859)" by August Essenwein, Public Domain
- "The Ground Plans of San Vitale (1876)", From the Nordisk familjebok, Public Domain
Section 11.5 - Istanbul?—No, Constantinople
- "Map of Constantinople (1422)" Designed by Cristoforo Buondelmonti, Public Domain
- "Bosphorus and the City of Byzantium (1784)" by Jean-Denis Barbié du Bocage for the Travels of Anarcharsis, Public Domain
- "Michael VIII Palaiologos (14th century)" from Pachymeres' Historia, Public Domain
- "Hyperpyron of Michael VIII Palaiologos" Obverse, courtesy Classical Numismatic Group, Inc., is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.5
- "Hyperpyron of Michael VIII Palaiologos" Reverse, courtesy Classical Numismatic Group, Inc., is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.5
- "Sultan Mehmed II The Conquerer early 16th century)", by A Follower of Gentile Bellini, Public Domain
- Moghul, Haroon. "ARE WE LIVING THROUGH WORLD WAR III?" Religion Dispatches, June 22, 2016., Illustrated by EJG2
- "Virgin Hodegetria (early 13th century)", Public Domain
- "Box with Sleeping Eros (c. 300-400)", Public Domain
- Salisbury, Joyce E. Sex in the Middle Ages: A Book of Essays. New York: Garland Pub, 1991, Illustrated by EJG2
- Monnier, Philippe (1864-1911). Le quattrocento : essai sur l'histoire littéraire du XVe siècle italien. Tome 1 / Philippe Monnier. Perrin (Paris), 1901, Illustrated by EJG2
- BYZANTIUM! Illustrated by EJG2. Contains the following elements:
- "Map of the Byzantine, Ottoman and Serbian empires and their neighboring states, 1355", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "Giorgio Gemisto Pletone" by Benozzo Gozzoli, Public Domain
- "Kardinal Basilius Bessarion von Trapezunt (1403-1472)", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "A portrait (Louvre Inv. 9849) of Manuel Chrysoloras (1355-1415) holding a book, drawn by Paolo Uccello. Chrysoloras was a professor of Greek studies in Italy, and the supposed founder of the Kappa Sigma secret society.", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "Map of the Byzantine, Ottoman and Serbian empires and their neighboring states, 1355", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
Chapter 12
What The Renaissance Movers And Shakers Learned From The Byzantines Is That We Bestow Meaning Rather Than Discover It
Chapter Art
- "Tempest" by Giorgione (1477–1510), Public Domain
Section 12.1 - Matters of Life and Death
- "An Abridgment of Mr Pope's Essay on Man (1769)" by Valentine Green, courtesy Wellcome Library, London
- "Solar eclipse of March 20, 2015 Photographed in Grodno, Belarus" by Сергей Banifacyj Морозов is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
- "Raymond Kurzweil at the Singularity Summit at Stanford University in 2006." by null0 is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
- TARS Illustrated by EJG2
- Richtel, Matt. "A Silicon Valley School That Doesn’t Compute." The New York Times, October 22, 2011., Illustrated by EJG2
- "Chalk", Public Domain
- Ilgaz, Hale, Arif Altun, and Petek Aşkar. "The effect of sustained attention level and contextual cueing on implicit memory performance for e-learning environments." Computers in Human Behavior 39 (2014), 1-7. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2014.06.008, ILLUSTRATED BY EJG2
- THE EVOLUTION OF MAN Illustrated by EJG2. Contains the following elements:
- "Circular icon showing a summary of human evolution" by Magnetic Hyena is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
- "The famous red eye of HAL 9000" is licensed under CC BY 3.0
Section 12.2 - Art Speak
- "Mohau Modisakeng - Samsung & Saatchi Gallery on Vimeo" Excerpt, Fair Use
- "The Alps" by Kanenori, Public Domain
- SYMPTOMS Illustrated by EJG2
- "Pharmaceuticals by Damien Hirst (2005)" by cea+ is licensed under CC BY 2.0
- "The Maybe by Tilda Swinton (1995/2013)" by M. Liao is licensed under CC BY 2.0
- "The Maybe by Tilda Swinton (1995/2013)" by M. Liao is licensed under CC BY 2.0
- MARY SHERMAN EMAIL Illustrated by EJG2
- A SPOT OF YBA Illustrated by EJG2. Contains the following elements:
- "The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even (1915-1923)" by Marcel Duchamp, Fair Use
- "Étant donnés" by Marcel Duchamp, Fair Use
- "Bullet Hole (1988)" by Matt Collishaw, Fair Use
- "Untitled (Yellow) (1990)" by Fiona Rae, Fair Use
- "The Artist Eating a Banana (1990) by Sarah Lucas, Fair Use
- "The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living (1991)" by Damien Hirst, Fair Use
- "Scrapheap Services (1995)" by Michael Landy, Fair Use
- "For the Love of God (2007)" by Damien Hirst, Fair Use
- "Snowman (1996)" by Gary Hume, Fair Use
- "My Bed (1998)" by Tracey Emin, Fair Use
- "Water Painting" by Gary Hume, Fair Use
- "Rachel Whiteread, Holocaust-Mahnmal, Wien" by Hans Peter Schaefer is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
- "Perceval, Sarah Lucas" by Elliott Brown is licensed under CC BY 2.0
- "Bouquet, Gary Hume (2009)" by Andrew Russeth is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
- "Tracey Emin, "With You I Breathe", MFA, Boston" is licensed under CC BY 2.0
- "Boat of Balls" by Dale Chihuly, Public Domain
- "Jean Tinguely (Milan, 1970)" by Lothar Wolleh is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
- "Actors Merritt Butrick and Tommy ‘Tiny’ Lister on the Tinguely-esque Fontana, California set of Wired to Kill, aka Booby Trap.", courtesy of the author
- "Heureka, Jean Tinguely" © 2013, Roland Fischer, Zürich, Switzerland, is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
- "Close-Up of Heureka, Jean Tinguely" © 2007, Todd Huffman, is licensed under CC BY 2.0
- "The artist Mary Sherman", courtesy of the artist
- "Eri, After Dark by Mary Sherman", Excerpt used by generous permission of of the artist
- "The Automata of Pierre Jaquet-Droz" by Rama is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 FR
- RYAN GEAR LETTER Illustrated by EJG2
Section 12.3 - Modern Aargh
- "Damien Hirst at the Exhibition Damien Hirst The Complete Spot Paintings 1986-2011, Gagosian Gallery, New York City (2012)" by Andrew Russeth is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
- "Twiggy" by Sarah C. Stanley is licensed under CC BY 2.0
- "Emerald Green, Purple and White Mini-Dress by Mary Quant (mid-1960s)", courtesy Peloponnesian Folklore Foundation, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
- "The Explosion Exalted by Damien Hirst (2006)" by Mark Barry is licensed under CC BY 2.0
- "Richard E. Grant as Denis Dimbleby Bagley in How to Get Ahead in Advertising (1989)", Fair Use
Section 12.4 - The Dark Side
- "Withnail and I (1987)", Criterion Collection Edition Cover illustration by Ralph Steadman © Criterion Collection, Fair Use
- "Breathe" Lyrics by Rick Wright, Roger Waters, David Jon Gilmour
- "The Lemon Song" Lyrics by Robert Plant, John Bonham, Chester Burnett, John Paul Jones, Jimmy Page
- "Time" Lyrics by Nick Mason, David Gilmour, GEORGE WATERS, Richard Wright
- "Money" Lyrics by Roger Waters
- "Trade ad for Pink Floyd's album Meddle.", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "Money by Pink Floyd" Excerpt, Fair Use
Section 12.5 - All Aboard!
- H.M.S. PINAFORE Illustrated by EJG2. Contains the following elements:
- "1879 Woodblock-print advertisement for an American production of H.M.S. Pinafore, housed at the Library of Congress", Public Domain
- "A lithographic poster for one of the many American productions of H.M.S. Pinafore, mostly unlicenced.", Public Domain
- "The Author, pictured left in a performance of The Marriage of Figaro" Courtesy of the author
Chapter 13
No Wonder I Resent the University Hijack of Art
Chapter Art
- "Banksy, Hirst Spot Painting at the Banksy Versus Bristol Museum Summer Show" by Heather Cowper is licensed under CC BY 2.0 Used by generous permission from Edited and adjusted by EJG2
Section 13.1 - Graffiti Is Not A Crime
- "Girl and Heart Balloon by Banksy" by Dominic Robinson is licensed under CC BY 2.0, Edited and Adjusted by EJG2
- "Sweep It Under The Carpet by Banksy" by Szater, Public Domain, Edited and Adjusted by EJG2
- "Bunting Boy by Banksy" by DeptfordJon is licensed under CC BY 2.0, Edited and Adjusted by EJG2
- "Exit Through the Gift Shop by Banksy (2009)" by Duncan Hull is licensed under CC BY 2.0, Edited and Adjusted by EJG2
- " 28th installment from Banksy's Better Out Than In, October 2013 New York City residency (2013)" by Scott Lynch is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 Edited, Adjusted and Remixed by EJG2
- "Dismaland by Banksy and Various Artists (2015)" by Byrion Smith is licensed under CC BY 2.0
Section 13.2 - A Return to Craft
- "Self Portrait at 41 in the Studio (With Dog)" by Sadie Valeri, Courtesy of the artist
- SADIEVALERI.COM Illustrated by EJG2
- "Mercurial" by Sadie Valeri, Courtesy of the artist
- "Silver Globe Pitcher" Sadie Valeri, Courtesy of the artist
- "Vanitas with Violin and Glass Ball (1597)" by Pieter Claesz, Public Domain
- "Drowning Girl (1963)" by Roy Lichtenstein, Fair Use
Chapter 14
“Ba! Let’s Go See That!”
Chapter Art
- "Chihuly Glass Sculpture" by Marilyn, Public Domain
Section 14.1 - My Compliments to the Artist
- "Ferran Adrià Exhibit at Palau Robert, Barcelona" by Kippelboy is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0, Edited, Adjusted and Remixed by EJG2
- "Ferran Adrià Exhibit at Palau Robert, Barcelona"by Kippelboy is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0, Edited, Adjusted and Remixed by EJG2
- "Fiori di Como" by Dale Chihuly by Tünde, Public Domain
- "Museum of Glass, Seattle, Washington", Courtesy of Smart Destinations is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
- "VENETIA (1704)", Published by Pieter Mortier, Public Domain
- "Murano Glass" by Dennis Jarvis is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
Section 14.2 - Life Itself
- Beckett, Andy. "A user's guide to artspeak." The Guardian, January 27, 2013., Illustrated by EJG2
- "A Sample of Ferran Adrià's Liquid Olives" by David Monniaux is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
- "The Kitchen at El Bulli" by Charles Haynes is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
- "Ferran Adrià" is used courtesy Generalitat de Catalunya
- "Harran II (1967) by Frank Stella" by Sharon Mollerus is licensed under CC BY 2.0
Section 14.3 - Millefleur
- "Mike Kelley (2007-2012) by Jennifer Steinkamp" by John Houck, Sundance, Park City, Utah, 2008. Courtesy of the artist
- Haber, John. "A Thing of Beauty?" Haber Arts. Last modified Spring 2004., Illustrated by EJG2
- "Dervish 13 (2004)" by Jennifer Steinkamp, Courtesy of the artist
- Taubman, Lara. "Jennifer Steinkamp: Orbit." Art Pulse, n.d., Illustrated by EJG2
- "Flora’s Feast (2008)" by Jennifer Steinkamp, Courtesy of the artist
- "Madame Curie (2011)" by Jennifer Steinkamp, Courtesy of the artist
- "Three Machines by Wayne Thiebaud (1953)" by Selena N. B. H. is licensed under CC BY 2.0
- AMANDA'S NOTE Illustrated by EJG2
- "Mike White and Laura Dern in the HBO series Enlightened" © Nicola Goode/HBO), Fair use
- "Doubletree" by Jennifer Day (2015), Courtesy of the artist
- "End of the Front" by Jennifer Day, Courtesy of the artist
- "Blue Shutters #1" by Jennifer Day (2015), Courtesy of the artist
- "Sparkler", Public Domain
- "Apocalypse", Public Domain
Chapter 15
In Search of a Lost Avant-Garde
Chapter Art
Section 15.1 - MoMA and Dada
- AT THE MUSEUM, Illustrated by EJG2. Contains the following elements:
- "Wood Flooring Texture", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- CECI N'EST PAS UNE POMME, Illustrated by EJG2
- "Make Your Own Readymade" MoMa, Illustrated by EJG2
- "Bicycle Wheel (third version) by Marcel Duchamp (1951, after lost original of 1913)" by Eneas De Troya is licensed under CC BY 2.0, Edited, Adjusted and Remixed by EJG2
- "In Advance of the Broken Arm by Marcel Duchamp (1964), by Tomislav Medak is licensed under CC BY 2.0, Edited, Adjusted and Remixed by EJG2
- "Rabbit by Jeff Koons (1986)" by MRdbh is licensed under CC-BY-SA-4.0, Edited, Adjusted and Remixed by EJG2
- "Infinity Mirrored Room (2017)" by Yayoi Kusama, © Helsinki Art Museum, The Broad, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0, Edited, Adjusted and Remixed by EJG2
- "Yayoi Kusama (2012)" by Garry Knight is licensed under CC BY 2.0, Edited, Adjusted and Remixed by EJG2
- "An Oak Tree by Michael Craig-Martin (1973)(© Tate), licensed under CC BY-SA 2.5, Edited, Adjusted and Remixed by EJG2
- "Pelorus harboring in Rovinj, Croatia (2009)" by Datawizz is licensed under CC BY 3.0, Edited, Adjusted and Remixed by EJG2
- FREEPORT LOCKER Illustrated by EJG2. Contains the following elements:
- "Salvator Mundi (c. 1500)" by Leonardo da Vinci, Public Domain, Edited, Adjusted and Remixed by EJG2
- "Door Texture", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "Sign Texture", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "Lock Texture", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
Section 15.2 - Fundraising Begins with ‘F U’
- Charney, Noah. "Did Jeff Really Paint That Koons? Working at a Modern Studio Isn’t Exactly a Renaissance Apprenticeship -" Salon: In-depth News, Politics, Business, Technology & Culture (blog). June 25, 2017.,Illustrated by EJG2
- "L.H.O.O.Q. (1919)" by Marcel Duchamp, Public Domain {{PD-US}}
- "Why Not Sneeze Rrose Sélavy? (1919)" by Marcel Duchamp, Fair Use
- "Marcel Duchamp as Rrose Sélavy (1921)" by Man Ray, Public Domain
- "Colleen Ballinger in character as “Miranda Sings” ©2012 Colleen Ballinger
- "Massimo Bottura's “Oops! I’ve dropped the lemon tart! (2014)” by Quinn Comendant is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
- Hills, Thomas. "The Psychology of Wonder." Psychology Today, February 26, 2015., Illustrated by EJG2
- BAE GUEVARA, Illustrated by EJG2. Contains the following elements:
- "T-Shirt", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "Che Guevara Vector", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "Grunge Texture", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- Max, D.T. "The Art of Conversation." The New Yorker, December 8, 2014., Illustrated by EJG2
- "Reiner Ruthenbeck." Serpentine Galleries. Accessed October 1, 2017., Illustrated by EJG2
Section 15.3 - What is Art?
- THE MESSAGE AND THE MEDIUM, Illustrated by EJG2. Contains the following elements:
- "TV", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "Concrete Texture", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "Self Portrait (1991)" © Jeff Koons, Fair Use
- BILLBOARD Illustrated by EJG2. Contains the following elements:
- "Made in Heaven (1989)" © Jeff Koons, Fair Use
- "Billboard", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
Section 15.4 - The High Priestess
- "Nina Simone graffiti, Berlin Kreuzberg by Jules Viera (2016)" by Jeanne Menjoulet is licensed under CC BY 2.0
- “To Be Young, Gifted and Black” Excerpt, by Nina Simone, Fair Use
- Hughes, Robert, David Richardson, Robert Hughes, and Lorna Pegram. The Shock of the New. 2009, Illustrated by EJG2
- Thompson, David. "Agenda: Artspeak." Eye, Winter 2006, Illustrated by EJG2
- "We Go to the Gallery" by Miriam Elia (2014)
- WE GO TO THE GALLERY Excerpt Illustrated by EJG2
- Rivero, Daniel. "'Pretty is Not Important': Mock Kid's Book Pokes Fun At Modern Art." Fusion (blog). February 27, 2014., Illustrated by EJG2
- WE GO TO THE GALLERY Excerpt Illustrated by EJG2
- "Plantoir by Claes Oldenburg & Coosje van Bruggen (2001)" by cliff1066™ is licensed under CC BY 2.0
- Lerner, Ben. "The Custodians." The New Yorker, January 11, 2016., Illustrated by EJG2
- "Claes Oldenburg at an exhibition of his work in Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam (1970)" by Bert Verhoeff, courtesy of Nationaal Archief is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
Section 15.5 - Ceci n'est pas l'Art
- THIS IS NOT A LAMP, Illustrated by EJG2. Contains the following elements:
- "Silver iMac Near White Ceramic Kettle", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
Chapter 16
The Salvation of the Deësis Christ
Chapter Art
- "Deësis Christ Mosaic" by Myrabella, Public Domain
Section 16.1 - Pure Art
- "Michael Heizer in front of Double Negative (1970)" by John Weber, courtesy of the artist and Gagosian Gallery © Michael Heizer
- Heizer, Michael, Julia Brown, and Barbara Heizer. Michael Heizer: Sculpture in Reverse. Los Angeles: The Museum of Contemporary Art, 1984, Illustrated by EJG2
- "Double Negative by Michael Heizer (1969-1970)", © Michael Heizer/ Triple Aught Foundation
- Goodyear, Dana. "A Monument to Outlast Humanity." The New Yorker, August 29, 2016., Illustrated by EJG2
- "Damien Hirst et Jeff Koons se partageant le marché de l art (2010)" by Jed Martin, Public Domain
- "Footprints", Public Domain
- "El Coloso (The Colossus) (c. 1818-1825)" Formerly attributed to Francisco de Goya , Public Domain
- "The site for Levitated Mass while under preparation for installation, with the rock still wrapped in plastic." by Downtowngal is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
- "Grant Achatz plating a meal at Alinea in 2010" by John Joh is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
- “Lamb with Sixty Accompaniments at Alinea, 2012" by Edsel Little is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0, Edited and adjusted by EJG2
- "City by Michael Heizer" by Tom Vinetz © Michael Heizer / Triple Aught Foundation / LACMA
- "City by Michael Heizer" by Tom Vinetz © Michael Heizer / Triple Aught Foundation / LACMA
Section 16.2 - A Confirmed Bachelor
- "Deësis Christ, Hagia Sofia" by Michael Day is licensed under CC BY 2.0
- "Thomas Whittemore (1871-1950)" (photo: Dumbarton Oaks)
- Turkey, Istanbul, Hagia Sophia view from northeast with Thomas Whittemore in the foreground. (unpublished LIFE photo: Dimitri Kessel, c. 1940s)
- "Christ and Leo VI the Wise above the Imperial Gate" by Gryffindor, Public Domain
- "Portrait of Saint John Chrysostom of Antioch", Public Domain
- "Section: Mary as patron saint of Istanbul, Detail: Emperor Constantine I with a model of the city", Public Domain
- "Detail of the Imperial Gate mosaic in Hagia Sophia showing Leo VI", Public Domain
- Major, Ben. "'The Socialite Archaeologist' Thomas Whittemore (1871-1950) and the roles of patronage, politics, and personal connections in cultural heritage preservation." B.A. thesis, History Department, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 2010, Illustrated by EJG2
- King, Charles. Midnight at the Pera Palace: the birth of modern Istanbul. 2015, Illustrated by EJG2
- "Sketch of Santa Sophia (1891)" by John Singer Sargent, Public Domain
- "Sketch of Thomas Whittemore" by Henri Matisse (1937) (image: Dumbarton Oaks)
- "Poster for Meisterwerke muhammedanischer Kunst" (image: IESA UK)
Section 16.3 - Pop Rock
- Levitated Mass (1969-2012) by Michael Heizer" by Eric Pancer / Flickr user: vxla is licensed under CC BY 2.0
- "Preliminary sketch for Levitated Mass (2011)", © Michael Heizer
- "Colorful Little Disks" by Jack Schaeffer, Courtesy of the artist
- "Portrait of Isabella Stewart Gardner (1888)" by John Singer Sargent, Public Domain
- "The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum" by Jess Melanson is licensed under CC BY 2.0
- "Portrait of Gustav Klimt (1914)" by Anton Josef Trčka, Public Domain
- "Three Ages of Women (1905)" by Gustav Klimt, Public Domain
- "Judith II (1909)" by Gustav Klimt, Public Domain
- "Die Freundinnen (1916-1917, later destroyed)" by Gustav Klimt, Public Domain
- "Adele Bloch-Bauer I (1907)" by Gustav Klimt, Public Domain
- "Self-portrait (1928)" by Roger Fry, Public Domain
- "Panel from the Osiris Temple: Horus presents royal regalia to a worshipping pharaoh" by Steve F-E-Cameron is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
- "Ambassador Joseph Grew", No known copyright restrictions
- "The highest authority of Russian Orthodox Church in 1917, following the election of St. Tikon as Patriarch, pictured third from right.", Public Domain
- FROM THE DESK OF… Illustrated by EJG2. Contains the following elements:
- "Felt Texture", Public Domain
- "1915 Russian Coin", Public Domain
- "Book Image", Public Domain
- "Russian Empire Stamp, 1916", Public Domain
- "Envelope", Public Domain
- "Group portrait with Thomas Whittemore and George D. Pratt (photo: Dumbarton Oaks), Remixed by EJG2
- "Thomas Whittemore’s Bulgarian first class train ticket" (image: Dumbarton Oaks), Remixed by EJG2
- "1000 Ruble Banknote", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "Japanese Airmail Stamp", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "Japanese Woodblock Print" by Charles W. Bartlett, Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "Book Image", Public Domain
- Whittemore, Thomas. "The Rebirth of Religion in Russia." National Geographic, November 1918, Illustrated by EJG2
- PRAYER CARD, Illustrated by EJG2. Contains the following elements:
- "Psaltyr 1570", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "Georgian 10 Ruble Stamp, 1919", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "Savings Stamp of Russia, 1900", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "250 Ruble Banknote", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "Propaganda postcard by Rihards Zariņš issued during World War I", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "Russian Empire Map", Public Domain
Section 16.4 - Hagia Sophia
- "Cross-section of Hagia Sophia, reconstruction", Public Domain
- "Aya Sofia, Constantinople: as recently restored by order of H. M. the sultan Abdul-Medjid" Gaspare Fossati (From the original drawings by Chevalier Gaspare Fossati. Lithographed by Louis Haghe, esq. London: R. & C. Colnaghi & Co., 1852) (image: Dumbarton Oaks)
- Gaspare Fossati's 1852 depiction of the Hagia Sophia, which he and his brother were in charge of renovating. Lithograph by Louis Haghe.
- "Sketch of the mosaics in the eastern main arch and the apsis, by the Fossati brothers when found in the 19th century. (between 1847 and 1849)" by Gaspare and Giuseppe Fossati, Public Domain
- King, Charles. Midnight at the Pera Palace: the birth of modern Istanbul. 2015, Illustrated by EJG2
- "Interior of the Hagia Sophia Mosque by Sébah & Joaillier (between 1900 and 1910)", Public Domain
- "Carroll Wales of the Byzantine Institute. Apse fresco with the Anastasis, Kariye Camii, Istanbul" (photo: Dumbarton Oaks)
- King, Charles. Midnight at the Pera Palace: the birth of modern Istanbul. 2015, Illustrated by EJG2
- Thomas Whittemore and G. Holt making a mold of a mosaic (Courtesy Dumbarton Oaks)
- A team works to uncover a mosaic (Courtesy Dumbarton Oaks)
- The beginning of the rediscovery of the Deësis mosaic (Courtesy Dumbarton Oaks)
- Major, Ben. "'The Socialite Archaeologist' Thomas Whittemore (1871-1950) and the roles of patronage, politics, and personal connections in cultural heritage preservation." B.A. thesis, History Department, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 2010, Illustrated by EJG2
- Collection MS.BZ.013 - Thomas Whittemore Papers, ca. 1875-1966, Dumbarton Oaks, Illustrated by EJG2
Chapter 17
Like A Big Gap Of Time That You Forget When You Get Out Of The Plane
Chapter Art
- "Aircraft", Public Domain
Section 17.1 - Ladybirds
- “Die Kirch von Gryon” by Roland Zumbuehl is licensed under CC BY 3.0
- EDITH'S WALL, Illustrated by EJG2. Contains the following elements:
- "Francis and Edith Schaeffer on their wedding day" (photo: courtesy of the author)
- "Edith Schaeffer with Mstislav Rostropovich" (photo: courtesy of the author)
- "Edith Schaeffer with BB King" (photo: courtesy of the author)
- "Video chat with Noni and Jessica" (photo: courtesy of the author)
- "Water fountain found in a small Swiss village" by Juhanson is licensed under CC BY 3.0
- "Edith Schaeffer" (photo: courtesy of the author)
- "Illustration from The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher", Public Domain
Section 17.2 - Silence and Sleep
- "Me and Mom" (photo: courtesy of the author)
Section 17.3 - Fly Away Home
- “Vue depuis le Mont-Pèlerin” by Le Mirador Kempinski is licensed under CC BY 3.0
- "Wine", Public Domain
- "Camilla Tilling" (photo: Maria Östlin, courtesy of Camilla Tilling)
- "The Resurrection of Jesus Christ" by Piero della Francesca, Public Domain
- "Ashley, Tim. "La Resurrezione." The Guardian, April 2, 2009.", Illustrated by EJG2
- "La resurrezione HWV 47, Pt. 1: No. 3, Aria, "Disserratevi, o porte d'Averno" (Angelo)" Camilla Tilling [Excerpt] Fair Use
- "Camilla Tilling as Mélisande in a production of Debussy’s Pelléas et Mélisande in Leipzig, with Phillip Addis as Pelléas (photo: courtesy of Camilla Tilling)
- "Director Peter Sellars and Camilla Tilling rehearsing Bach’s St. Matthew Passion in Berlin, 2014" (photo: © Andreas Knapp)
- "Camilla Tilling as Mélisande in a production of Debussy’s Pelléas et Mélisande in Madrid" (photo: © Javier del Real, courtesy of Camilla Tilling)
- "Camilla Tilling as Susanna and Gerald Finley as Count Almaviva in The Royal Opera production of Mozart’s Le nozze di Figaro at Covent Garden" (photo: © 2014, The Royal Opera, courtesy of Camilla Tilling)
- "Mirror selfie with my friends, the musical talents Camilla Tilling and Anders Lindgren in 2014" (photo: courtesy of the author)
Section 17.4 - Art is Life
- "Genie and Jessica" by Frank Schaeffer (image: courtesy of the author)
- "Bridge of Sighs Venice" by Frank Schaeffer (image: courtesy of the author)
Section 17.5 - My Very Own Guardian Angel
- CAMILLA'S EMAIL, Illustrated by EJG2
- "Camilla Tilling as the Angel in Saint François d’Assise by Olivier Messiaen in Amsterdam" (photo: courtesy of Camilla Tilling)
- GUSTAV MAHLER, Illustrated by EJG2. Contains the following elements:
- "Photo of Gustav Mahler", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "Manuscript score of the "Chorus Mysticus" section from Part II of Gustav Mahler's Eighth Symphony, first performed on 12 September 1910 in Munich. US Premiere March 1916", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "A ticket issued for the world premiere of Symphony No. 8 by Gustav Mahler, 12 September 1910 at Neue Musik-Festhalle, Munich", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- MAHLER QUOTE, Illustrated by EJG2
- "Camilla Tilling performing Symphony No. 4 by Gustav Mahler with the Berliner Philharmoniker, led by Sir Simon Rattle" © 2014 Berliner Philharmoniker, Fair Use
- "Delta Spirit in 2011" (photo: Matt Wignall)
- "War Machine" Delta Spirit [Excerpt], Fair Use
- THE WAR TO END ALL WARS, Illustrated by EJG2. Contains the following elements:
- "Wood Texture", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "The Illustrated London News's illustration of the Christmas Truce", Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "Papst Benedikt XV" by Anton de Waal, Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "Woman marching with peace sign and U.S. flag, disarmament conference, Washington, D.C.", No Known Copyright Restrictions, Remixed by EJG2
- "His Best Customer" (1917) by Winsor McCay, Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "Come on in, America, the Blood's Fine!" by M.A. Kempf, Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "After the war a medal and maybe a job." by John French Sloan, Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "The Deserter" by Boardman Robinson, Public Domain, Remixed by EJG2
- "No. 71 from Johann Sebastian Bach's St Matthew Passion", Public Domain
- "Tommasini, Anthony. "Swept Up in Bach’s All-Consuming Passion." The New York Times, October 8, 2014." Illustrated by EJG2
- Camilla Tilling as Mary, holding the hand of Mark Padmore's Evangelist in Peter Sellars’s staging of the St. Matthew Passion (photo: courtesy of The Arts Desk)
- BACH LYRICS, Illustrated by EJG2
- "Peter Sellars. At the Ojai Festival" by Antandrus is licensed under CC BY 3.0
- BACH LYRICS, Illustrated by EJG2
- Excerpt from “The Chess Game” by Jeffrey Kripal, Used by permission, Illustrated by EJG2
- SARASTRO LYRICS, Illustrated by EJG2
- "The icon of the Theotokos" by Jojojoe is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
Section 17.6 - Omega
- CAMILLA'S EMAIL, Illustrated by EJG2
Special Thanks
Maximilian Bloch and the many type designers of whose work has been used in this book.
Letter to Lucy
A Manifesto of Creative Redemption–
In the Age of Trump, Fascism and Lies.
A Multi-Touch Book
Written by Frank Schaeffer
Designed by EJG2
All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © 2017, 2018 Letters to Lucy, LLC