Letter to Lucy:
A Manifesto of Creative Redemption—
In the Age of Trump, Fascism, and Lies
Written by Frank Schaeffer and designed by EJG2 over the course of four years leading up to and through the 2016 election and its aftermath, Letter to Lucy is a book unlike any you've ever seen. We wanted to do something different and counter-intuitive with this project and created a fully interactive multi-touch book with over 400 pages of music, multi-media elements, and 1000 pieces of artwork.
The first chapter is available to experience for free on iBook, Amazon Kindle Fire and lettertolucy.com.
"I ask myself these questions silently and inwardly: How may I atone for helping to poison America with certainty addiction? How do I defend my grandchildren against the religious right juggernaut I helped create? How do I reject what my parents stood for (fundamentalist fanaticism) and yet honor the love they gave me? How can I help my grandchildren stumble upon the goodness of life before they’re sold towering mounds of brain-damaging garbage? How do I help save the world? (And what kind of deluded messianic fool am I to believe that this is even possible?)"
–Author Frank Schaeffer, from Letter to Lucy

Following are examples of print and digital work
I have created for my clients.
Prays Well With Others
Prays Well With Others Website and Online Store.
Formerly Arizona Foundation for Contemporary Theology
Website and Brand Refresh.
Deb Patterson for Senate District 10
Website Refresh.
Pathways of Grace
2017 - 2019
Website and Session Artwork for Pathways of Grace.
Website for Frank Schaeffer Documentary "Let Me Be Frank."
ASU Drop-IN Meditation Group
Promotional poster for Mindfulness Meditation at ASU Downtown Campus.
The Fountains, A United Methodist Church
Artwork for 4-Disc Sermon Series produced for sale.
Artwork for 4-Disc Sermon Series produced for sale.
Justa Center
Ticket and complementary promotional collateral for "Circus with a Purpose" Fundraiser.
Postcard created to be used as a Thank You Card, reducing printing and postage costs, as well as lessening environmental impact. All while keeping the organization top of mind.
2013 - 2015
Mailer to members of AR&LW promoting upcoming gathering. I was also involved in the creation of several of their quarterly newsletters, a sample of which can be seen at:
Southwest Conference Lay Academy
2011 - 2016
Promotional Poster for Lay Academy Session, January, 2016.
Promotional Poster for Lay Academy Session, September, 2015.
Promotional Poster for Lay Academy Session, March, 2015.
Created Lay Academy logo to complement existing United Church of Christ branding.
Used online and in print.
Lay Academy Postcard used for promotion and direct-mail marketing to past session attendees.
Animation used for online promotion for Lay Academy Session, “Religions of the World in Our Backyard.”
2006 - 2013
Driver Information Guide and Bypass Restrictions
Sent out to all new customers to outline service, FAQs and device usage.
Point-of-Sale Display
Point-of-Sale display box, used at weigh stations, trucking terminals and agencies throughout the nation to display service applications and other promotional items.
Recipient of 2009 Print Excellence Gold Award from Printing Industries of Arizona/New Mexico.
Print Ads
Print Ad - "Independence Day" July 2009 - Ran nationally in trucking industry magazines CCJ, Fleet Owner, Heavy Duty Trucking, Land Line, Overdrive, Trucker's News.
Print Ad - "Father's Day" May, June 2009 - Ran nationally in trucking industry magazines CCJ, Fleet Owner, Heavy Duty Trucking, Land Line, Overdrive, Trucker's News.